animal action figures animal crossing figures animal figure animal figures animal figurine animal toys carved elephant carved elephants ceramic animal figures ceramic figures animals ceramic figures especially animals collectable ceramic figures animals collectable ceramic figures especially animals collectable wooden figures animals collectable wooden figures especially animals elephant india elephant toys elephants in india elephants india elephants of india manufacturer of small collectable ceramic figures especially animals manufacturer of small collectible ceramic figures especially animals miniature animal figures peek a pooh animal figure peek a pooh animal figure collection plastic animal figures pooh animal figure collection small ceramic figures animals small ceramic figures especially animals stick figure animals wood elephant wooden animal figures wooden elephants wooden figures animals wooden figures especially animals
Item ID |
32 |
Description: Set of 3 wooden carved Turtles, which have stars on their body. |
Material |
Wood |
Sizes |
8 centimeters Width
6 centimeters Width
4 centimeters Width |
Weight |
8 centimeters W - 40 Grams
6 centimeters W - 25 Grams
4 centimeters W - 15 Grams |
Price |
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